Discover What PR Is

Boost Your Motivation to Fitness

Working out in the gym can become boring if you don’t have specific motivations and specific goals. In order to achieve greater success and not be a burden, discover what PR is.

Monotonous exercises, as well as the same number of repetitions, can lead you to give up on exercise. That’s why you need to boost your motivation and you will succeed if you set your personal PR. Personal record will serve as a tangible measure of your progress. Otherwise, a PR represents your personal best in the gym. When you get in shape and start achieving certain results, you need to set higher goals for yourself in order to achieve better results.


When you set yourself higher goals, you must not forget that you need to rest. You will achieve your goals with better quality exercise. You must gradually increase your previous training. A sudden increase in training can cause injury to your muscles. Therefore, increase each exercise by a certain number of repetitions, and do not increase the number of trips to the gym, because you and your muscles also need rest. It is very important that you have adequate nutrition, proper sleep, and proper stretching exercises after hard training. Your motivation to exercise will also be boosted when you have a positive mindset. You must not take your every failure tragically. It must give you the strength to practice better and better and to achieve the goals you have set.

If you want to reach a certain height of your physical achievements and know what is the essence of your training in the gym, discover what PR is. A team of personal trainers will help you achieve your PR and set yourself the next one.